As regular readers of this blog know, I will be living for a while on the island of Shikoku. There is a species of animal named after Shikoku. Can you identify the type of animal and provide a little information?
Answer as provided by Louise and Shadow: Shikoku is a breed of dog that was originally used in Japan for hunting. Good job, students
Dear Mr. Lahr,
Well, so far I looked on the internet, and I found a breed of dog called Shikoku. It said on the information I've seen is that they are rare hunting dogs. I looked at some pictures also, and they kind of look like wolves.
Hi Mr. Lahr,
When I looked up Shikoku yesterday, I came up with this dog too. The Shikoku dogs are a breed of rare hunting jobs and are recognized in the Japanese Kennel Club. They are quick, agile and cautious. They look a wolf and some of them have a tail with a little flip or curl at the end.
Hey Mr. Lahr!
You are so lucky you are going to a place with such beautiful dogs. I went to a website to read about them and they are very interesting. They are used as hunting dogs. There colors are really pretty and cream colored dogs are rare. The ones most likely to be seen are sesame, red sesame and black sesame. These are really cute, it would be cool if you took pictures and put them on you site.Then we look at them. Have FUN!!!!!!
Breanna D.
Hello Mr. Lahr,
Sorry about not posting for a couple of days, as I was busy doing some other stuff, and sorry for not coming to your Japanese language class (I always forget!).
Anyway, I hope to come next week for sure.
Here is the answer to the question:
The Shikoku dog is a rare breed of hunting dogs, developed in ancient Japan. This breed gets its name from the Island of Shikoku. The Shikoku is also known as the Kochi-ken. The Shikoku is a medium-sized dog that generally weighs 35-55 pounds and stands at about 17-21 inches tall when they are fully grown. They are related to the smaller Shiba Inu and the larger Akita, and they are similar in body structure to its cousins. The breed is classified as a primitive spitz-type because it has a thick double coat, curled tail, and upright ears. The standard coat colors are sesame, red sesame, and black sesame. All dogs should have "urajiro" markings on them, which are markings of a white or cream color, which are presented on the ventral portions of the body, legs, cheeks, brow of the head. Cream-colored dogs are extremely rare.
There you are! Not the first one to be done, but certainly the most detailed.
Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam UMM
Ultimate Math Matician
Maybe you're talking about the Japanese Snow monkey. They live on several of the islands, including Shikoku.
Here is a webcam link:
Hi Mr. Lahr,
It's practically impossible to come up with another animal called Shikoku other than the dog. With your help, I learned that there is a Long-Tailed Rooster called Shikoku. I may not have found it myself, but I did learn something new.
These dogs are a very precious breed...or a "precious natural object". I know that they are bred in remote villages in the mountains of japan. :)
Dear Mr. Lahr,
that dog is so cute i would love to have it as my own.
- someone
EL Senior Lahr,
It has come to my intension that the speices of dog you have shown your fellow bloggers is a dog that is one of my favorite dog breeds in the world, beside the Siberian Huskey. This breed though, looks like an Asian breed of the Siberian Husky Family. is this true? becuse i have tried to look up the close relatives of this speices but no info was proven unhelpful. Can you help me?
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