Saturday, May 31, 2008

Anime is everywhere!

You've seen how small cars have been "tricked up" on the Central Coast. This is how it is done in Japan. Anime stickers are plastered on the cars. This style of car is called "Itashi". You can learn more by reading this article in the Japanese Times (in English). The photo is from the article. What do you think? Tacky or Tasty?
Bibliography: Matsutani, Minoru. 'Anime'-decorated cars latest 'otaku' fad" Japanese Times Online. May 29, 2008. <>

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Never Volunteer...

I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I volunteered to participate in an ancient Japanese cultural event... sumo wrestling. What is the point of this activity? How do I win? Are there any rules? Help me out, tell me something about sumo wrestling.... and hurry!
PS: JJ (Just jokin')

American & Japanese Art

Here are two famous pieces of art. One is American (by artist Grant Wood) and one is Japanese (by artist Utagawa Kunisada) . Can you guess which is which? What evidence leads you to this conclusion? What are the differences and similarities between the two pieces of art? Which do you like better?