Okay, this was my free day so I left Tokyo in search of an adventure. I took this photo and want you to try to guess where I am. You can ask four Yes or No questions. I can assure you that you will recognize this spot when I publish a different view of it.
Wendy figured it out. I am inside the giant Buddah at Kamakura (entrance fee twenty cents). I've posted some photos of the more traditional view of the statue. Good job, Wendy. You would be the prize winner... if there was a prize.
Hey Mr. Lahr,
Hard challenge. I'm going to guess something general because I have no idea where you might be. Are you in a tunnel or at a festival?
Sorry Shadow, not even close but tunnel is closer than festival guess. I am inside something. Any other guesses?
Are you in Tokyo? Is this thing you are in man made or natural? Does it echo inside? Was it in any Indiana Jones movies?
Reply to anonymous:
No, I'm not in Tokyo, I am an hour ride by train.
It is man-made.
I don't know if it echos, it would have been inappropriate to yell.
Indaiana Jones? Who's that? (But I didn't see Darth Vader.)
Hello Mr. Lahr,
I am guessing you are in a museum or an art collection place! It looks a lot like a painting or a peace made of mud or clay.
Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician
Whoah, you guys are so far off, I'd better give you another photo hint... tomorow.
Well, here's one more BIG hint. I'm INSIDE the city of Kamakura.
Kamakura is famous for its huge statue of Buddha. Are you somehow inside this statue?
That Buddah is sure Big.
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