Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Buildings and Bright Lights

In twenty-four hours I'll be in the air flying home (God willing). It's hard to believe that my Japanese adventure is almost over. But don't stop visiting the blog. I have a few more posts to make. In fact, I have a long excerpt from a speaker that touched me deeply.

In the meantime, here are a few photos of downtown Tokyo!


Anonymous said...

It looks a lot like L.A. or any other modern city. I'm glad that you got to see some nice scenery when you went to stay with a Japanese family.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

Wow! It's over already. Days go by so quickly these days. I remember you talking to us about you Japanese trip and it seems like it just happened couple days ago. Now, it's over though and I am quite disappointed as you won't have very many posts left. At least you got to see Japan and experience it fully. Are you unhappy of your return to the U.S?

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

Those are some nice views! The one with the darkened clouds looks awesome! Was the weather just like that?

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

Just created a profile! I hope you look at it!

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

It sounds like your trip went well. I hope you have a safe flight back to the US!


Anonymous said...

How does it compare with big cities back here? It looks cleaner than somewhere like LA to New York.

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage! I hope you have a safe trip, and I can't wait to see you!
Thanks for keeping us all updated. I've really enjoyed reading your blog.

Jeff said...

Replies to your comments:

Thanks to all of you for keeping up with my blog for the past three weeks!
I'm not sure how Tokyo compares to New York since I've never visited New York. But I can compare it to Los Angeles. Downtown Tokyo has taller skyscrapers and a more modern look. It also has a lot more people on the street. It is a very clean city and I saw no graffiti. It is considered rude to eat and walk on the streets at the same time (or even drink). But one of my favorite differences is that nearly all Japanese refrain from using their cell phones in public places.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mr. lahar those are really pretty buildings. I hope you spend your 24 hours good.
:) bye.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jeff, I hope your trip goes smoothly and it will be nice to see you again. It sounds like you were fortunate to have practically a trip of a lifetime. I wonder, will you be slurping your noodles at home?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Lahr,
Well, looks like you're home now, I bet you didn't want to come home after learning and seeing Japan. Thank you for the post card from Japan, I just got it today...thank you!!! =]
Breanna D.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Lahr,
Well, looks like you're home now, I bet you didn't want to come home after learning and seeing Japan. Thank you for the post card from Japan, I just got it today...thank you!!! =]
Breanna D.