Friday, June 20, 2008

Some fun student art

These are examples of an art project that the students had just completed at one of the schools which I visited. The requirement was to write their name in an illustrative style trying to use elements that described their personality. Some students wrote their name using the alphabet we're familiar with and others used the typical Japanese characters called Kanji.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

Is it as hot over there as it is here? Those are really cool pictures! I think it'd be awesome if we had a class that taught us how to use Kanji.


Anonymous said...

I've done something like this both as a student and in teacher prep classes.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr.Lahr,

Awesome drawings! They look incredibly neat and clean. Everything looks right where it should be; there aren't any black marks or spots. It might just be the camera, but they look very neat and clean.

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician