What do these four photos represent? No, I'm not auditioning for a part in an 80's metal band and I'm not trying out for the World Wide Wrestling Federation. These are student interpretations of Kabuki theatrical make-up which is called Kumadori .
As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, Kabuki theater has important elements in both the costume and make-up. Kumadori is the theatrical make-up used to underline and enhance certain qualities of a kabuki role for the audience. This helps the audience understand the personality or attributes of specific characters even before they speak.
Both the pattern of a make-up and the colors have certain meanings. The pattern is never changed for a specific role.
Red - strength, passion. Bright red stripes indicate a powerful hero role. Red symbolizes virtue and power.
Indigo blue-black - worn by villains and demons. Blue represents negative emotions such as jealousy or fear.
Green - ghosts, supernaturals
Purple - nobility
Villains are often depicted with a design of black beard, purple veins, and dark blue antler-like eyebrows.
Now it's your turn. Which of these four student-designs do you think best conveys the spirit of Kabuki? The winning artist will give me a Kabuki make-over Thursday at lunch. Vote today! For voting, the top photo is number one and the bottom one is number four.
For more information regarding Kabuki theater read yesterday's post.
Mr. Lahr
I think that the third one looks best on you. Red is defiantly your color!
Hello Mr. Lahr,
The evil look definitely looks the best, the third one. I would say the fourth one came in 2nd place, while the first one came in 3rd place and the second once came in 4th place. All of them are very neat and would look awesome on you. I love the evil one though, simply because that is my style. EVIL! >:D...Just kidding!
Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician
U.M.M. is the BOMB!
Hey Mr. Lahr,
Alex A. and I (Breanna D.)think number three is the best make over.
-Breanna D. and Alex A.
Hello Mr. Lahr,
I like the second one because I made it and I like my art. Also because you would look great.
I would pick the tird one. Why because it looks evil and pretty good on your face.
From Adrianna In Your Third Period
I like the second one. I like it because it has many difrent colors.
I like the second one the best.
hi mr lahr it is me maria i vote for the fourth one. i think that its very nice i would like to see your face look like that.
4 because i like that it is worn bt evil
MR lahr i am voting for the third beacuse it suits you.
Mr. Lahr,
I think the third one is the best. As Akash said, evil is my style. He was joking, I am not. EVIL! I like anything red and black so it was al little hard to choose.
Dear Mr. Lahr,
Since I was the one who made the horrible first one, I'm not voting for mine! The third one is way better because it has more detail and red stripes on it.
I think that I like the fourth one. I like that fourth one because it is not too much and it is simple. And one of my favorite colors is red....
Dear Mr.Lahr,
I think the third one is the best one for you. It is the right shape for your face and it has the right pattern also. so please choose the third because it is truly the best one for you.
Sincerely, Floman
hy lair,
I guess i'm going for the fourth one because i like all the line placements and red outlines on in good luck with your desizion and your AWSOME trip
The first one is the coolest and I think it looks the best on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Kate and Krista!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3
Hey Mr. Lahr,
I think the thrid one will look good on you. Those red colors make it more Kabuki. The black makes it more angry. Just like the real Kabuki style.
-Jesus Period 4
Mr. Lahr,
I really liked the 4th picture because it is really creative. It is the perfect color for a kabuki.I also think it would go perfectly with you.:)
U should pick number 3
i think you should go for number 3 because it's straight up AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mr.Lahr, I think you should pick the third mask, it has an awesome pattern.
Mr.Lahr I totally think you should choose the third mask because the red is great for your face.
Mr. Lahr,
I think the fourth 1 is the best. I think that black and red would look goo. And because the syle is very cool. So pick the fourth 1.
Mr Lahr.
I like the fourth one because it is simple and complex at the same time. He looks like a powerful hero.
i like the last picture of you with the painting on your face.!
-Tori(period sevennnnn.!)
Dear Mr. Lahr,
I think that all of the people look like masked mexican wrestlers.
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