Here are two famous pieces of art. One is American (by artist Grant Wood) and one is Japanese (by artist Utagawa Kunisada) . Can you guess which is which? What evidence leads you to this conclusion? What are the differences and similarities between the two pieces of art? Which do you like better?
Hello Mr. Lahr,
First in four posts in a row! Not bad at all! Anyway, the top one is the obvious Japanese one, while the bottom one is by the American artist. Both of them are beautiful pieces of art and I love both of them for their own unique style. The Japanese one has vivid colors, unique environments, and different characters. It's faily easy to know which one is which because the Japanese people have that kind of art, while Americans do many different kinds. Anyway, the American art has modern style, with real people, while the Japanese has "sylish" people. Personally, I like the Japanese painting better, most because I love those colors and the unique style that they have. The American one isn't bad, although it's not extraodnary.
Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician
Hey Mr. Lahr!
Well this was a really easy task, all you had to do was search the artist on google and see which of them really drew each pic. First of all you said one was an americann artist and there is an american picture. And then there was a Japanese picture with a Japanese artist. So this i found really simple, and also very cool because to see amazing paintings and drawings of all sorts is great. I hope you get to see some beautiful painting there and other neat things because there is a lot to discover in a place that you haven't been. Have Fun!!! =]
Breanna D.
Japanese and American art are cert different. American art is usually very detailed and realistic. The particular painting we are studying in class is a real looking, partait portrait style, and symetrical painting. japanese is more exciting with bolder colors. Instead of a symetrical portait, the Japanese mad in the painting is of caenter and "in action." Japanese art is simple whilw American art in intricitly detailed. Both styles are unique and would take talent to create. I like Japanese art better because it is simple and bold. At first, theyu apper to be vary differnt, but if you study them like we did in art calss, you will see that they have more similarities than you would expect.
Hi Mr. Lahr,
Here is my opinion on Japanese and American art. I think I like the Japanese painting more. The American painting is more formal and it seems like it's pretty boring. In the Japanese painting, there is more going on at once and the person in the painting is actually doing something. It shows in the Japanese piece of art that the man is in motion. i also enjoy looking at the nature in the backround. It's true that there is more of the intricate detail and shading in the American painting, but there is no interesting backround and there is just no action. I definately enjoy the Japanese painting better.
Japanese man art is better than American Gothic because it has more action in the picture. Even though the American Gothic has more detail I still like the Japanese man painting. The Japanese man painting looks like his doing something not like the American Gothic who is just facing front. The thing that I don't like about neither one is that there not smiling. I would hang the Japanese man painting in my room.
Hello Mr. Lahr,
The Japanese and American art are simmilar and different in several different ways. The American picture looks 3D and has shading, which makes it look real. The picture includes small details such as the pattern on the curtains inside the house. The Japanese art looks more like a cartoon and it does not have shading. You can see the background, but not as clearly as the American art. The American painting is my favorite because it looks more realistic.
Japanese and american art
I like the american picture the best. The reason I like it the best is because there is more detail.Also,the faces look more like an actual person that I am used to looking at.Another reason I like it better is because of how detailed the clothes are.These are the reasons I like the American picture more than the Japanese picture. Though I still do like the Japanese picture.
Hey Mr. Lahr,
Japanese art is more animated than American art. In the Japanese painting there are bright, vibrant colors that stand out. The American painting has more subtle colors. The Japanese painting is a picture of a man. The American one is a picture of a farmer and his daughter. The Japanese man looks less posed and in action while the American one looks like the two people were posing. I like the Japanese painting more because I like the bright colors. Have fun in Japan!
Well to start with both of the art peices are very nice.There are so much differences with both of the art peices.
i like Japanese art because thay have storys in them and bold colors ensted of the American art thay have no storys in them and no bold colors. that is why i like Japanese art beter then American.
The american picture looks more realistic, while the Japanese picture looks more fake. Japanese pictures only have writing if it is the name of the artist.
-Brandon B.
Mr. Lahr,
Japanese art is a very unique style. The American art that I've come to know is very different from it. I think, though, that there are more similarities than differences: American Gothic has more shading, darker colors, better posture and more people than the Japanese painting, Japanese Man. On the other hand, Japanese Man has bolder colors, different clothing and is bent over more than American Gothic. Japanese Man also seems more adventurous. As mentioned before, Japanese Man and American Gothic have some similarities, though. First, they're both wearing black, have houses in the backround, both seem unhappy and hav at least one person in it. I like American Gothic more, but if I grew up in Japan, I would probably like Japanese Man more.
-Nathan S.
In the American Gothic picture, the people have a lot of different shades in just their face. The man in the american picture is wearing circular glasses. In the Japanese picture, the man has no shading. There is only one person in the picture rather than two. Both pictures are set outside. It is daytime in both pictures. They are both holding sharp items. The woman and the Japanese man look very similar. The background in both pictures have houses. In the Japanese picture you could tell that he is more outside than the American picture because of the trees in the background.
Dear Mr.Lahr
Comparing and contrasting art isn’t always easy. When it comes to Japanese art, I think it looks simpler and less defined. I personally like the Japanese art better because it is more abstract than American art. American art is more realistic and easy to understand. I have to sit and look at Japanese art to see what the artist is trying to portray. American art is very detailed and straight to the point. American art and Japanese art are both very unique in there own ways, which makes it easy for me to compare and contrast the two.
Hey Mr. Lahr,
There are many similarities between Japanese and American art, but there are more differences. Though both paintings are solemn and only a portrait from the waist up, they are still different in many ways. The fact that in many Japanese pictures, there aren’t any shadows on the face for a three dimensional effect gives you one distinction already. Another distinction is that Japanese pictures tend to stand out more-with bold and noticeable colors. The Japanese Man painting also has very pale skin and a dark background while the American Gothic painting has the sun shining and the people have tanner skin. The American Gothic painting has two people in it whereas the Japanese Man painting has a single man. With a almost cartoon look, it is easy to tell Japanese art from American.
Dear Mr. Lahr,
Comparing and contrasting two different paintings are very interesting to know. American and Japanese art are a great example to compare. To me, the Japanese art is more creative and colorful than the American art. The reason why that is one, Japanese art is more artistic and creative and more detailed than the old American art is. American art is similar to the Japanese art, but it has a little less color into it like the American gothic one. The American art seems more boring and not that “alive” because the American gothic painting is looking at the front of the viewer. Japanese art is more detailed and more “alive” because by the facial expressions, the painting seems like the person is in fear. I would want to hang this painting in my room because it would be a very great decoration for any home.
Well the diffrence between the American Gothic,and the Japanese man is easy to see. American Gothic is more realistic.The Japanese man doesnt seem like he is in real life.Another thing is that American Gothic has two ppl, a father, and his daughter,as for the Japanese man there is one person.In both pictures they are seeming to be holding, sharp weapons. The American Gothic is Holding a pitch fork, and the Japanese man is hold hos shord. They also have the same facial expressions. For the backgroung in both pictures you can see a house, and trees.
There are many similarities and difference between American Gothic and the Japanese man and I'm going to compare them. The American Gothic is different because it is more realistic, it has two people in it, a woman and a man and the background is different. The Japanese man is different because it is more cartoon style, it has more unrealistic and bright colors and there is Japanese writing on it. There are also many similarities, like the woman and the Japanese man are looking in the same direction, both men are holding tools or there trade, and they are all frowning. That is my opinion of the two paintings.
Hi Mr. Lahr,
There are many diferences and similarities between the Japanese and American art.The Japanese man has one bold color like red. The American though has a lot of shadowing.Some similarities are that the both have people in them.Also they both a unqiue background.Another thing is that they both tell a story.For me I like the Japanese more because it has a better story to it.
Hi Mr.lahr,
I thought that both of the drawing were wounderful. The actions in the jappenese and american art explained were they were at. They both had weapons which means they were in a serious position also there faces looked very serious.
There are many similarities between theses two portriats. But there are also many differences.
In the American Gothic photo, their is a house in the background. There is extremely detailed facial expressions. And the sky seems to be looking like it is a very bright day. In the Japanese man portriat, there is a whole town full of people in the background. The facial expressions are not quite as detailed as the American Gothic facial picture, and the sky seems to be the color of when the sun is either setting, or rising... it is not very dark out and seems like dark times. The similarities between these two pictures are not very obvious.But in both photos, there is someone looking off to the right. Also, there is a beautiful background in them both. and another thing is that they both have sad looks on their faces. Both have very serious expressions, and they are holding weapons and very in color.
Dear Mr.Lahr,
Their are similiarties and differences between these to paintings. The similiar things are that the American gothic and the Japanese man both are very detailed painting. They also have thier home settings as their backround. They are both real live pictures and the artist the it had someone standing it that posed until they were done were done with the painting. Some differences are that the American Gothic looks realistic unlike the Japanese Man who looks cartoonish. Japanese man has more bright colors than the other one. If I had to pick one I would go with the AMerican Gothic because I like how realistic it looks.It has so many details right down to the shading of his nose.
Japanese art is usually has a cartoon look to it. It also usually has some type of bonsai tree in the backround. American art usually is 3-dementional. It has more detail to it. But a couple things they have in common is that they usually draw people. The Japanese focus on nature scenes. If they are really good paintings they will take more that a few months. And end up being a lot of money. Personally I love Japanese art.
-Scotty aka darkness
Hey Mr. Lahr,
There are quite a few differences between the arts. In the American gothic, there are a lot of shades and shadowing. The Japanese art style is more simplistic, but in my opinion more favorable.
Damian W.
Dear Mr. Lahr, Im going to compare these two types of art...American Gothic, and the Japanese Man painting.
Fisrt, the American Gothic painting. I think that this painting has more shadow and detail put into it. It also has a background that was realistic in the days of the painting.
Next, the Japanese Man painting. This painting has a lot of bland colors. The background in this painting has trees and a Japanese village in the background.
Overall, they are both great paintings!!
---Signed: YOUR MOM!
Dear Mr.Lahr I am going to compare two pieces of art, American Gothic, and Japanese Man. In the American Gothic there is a man and a woman, they are both workers. The Japanese man is different because the painting only shows a man. Both of the paintings are in a setting that describe where they live. Both paintings also give hints to what their job is. I like the Japanese Man painting because it looks more like a cartoon and shows nature in the background. Sincerely, Floman
The Japanese art and America art can very differnt and simallar.Japanese art shows nature just like pictures from America. Japanese art expresse nature in their pictures. America art shows a deailed scenery. While Japanese art puts more detail to each and every detail to make the picture come alive.Japanese art puts expression to a human to make it look like it will jump out of the picture. SINCECELRY:serious student NOT
Hey Mr. Lahr,
I definately know that the top picture is japanese and i like it a lot better than the american picture. The Japanese picture is more fierce, and i like that. The American picture is very boring and i don't like how there isn't very much color. The Japanese have more style and they put more color and backround into it. This wasn't that hard because the japanese picture is obviously japanese and the american picture has to be american therefor.
Mr.LAhr I like Japanese art more than American beacuse in Japanese there is alot more action in American it is about things that happen everyday.
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