You've seen how small cars have been "tricked up" on the Central Coast. This is how it is done in Japan. Anime stickers are plastered on the cars. This style of car is called "Itashi". You can learn more by reading this article in the Japanese Times (in English). The photo is from the article. What do you think? Tacky or Tasty?
Bibliography: Matsutani, Minoru. 'Anime'-decorated cars latest 'otaku' fad" Japanese Times Online. May 29, 2008. < http://japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20080529f1.html>
Hey Mr. Lahr,
Yes! I've beaten Akash! Well, I'm going to have to say that the anime car might be going a little overboard on the dedicated reader status. But that's just my opinion! I have to admit that it does look sorta cool though.
the paint on the car is awsome but where can you get a car like that.
luis C
Hey Mr. Lahr,
My brother looooves anime and when i showed him your blog he imediatley went to that car. He really likes the detail and especially the picture of the guy on the side of the car... This is my 4th entry but they are all unanimous. I hope you have fun on your trip...
mr lahr anime is awesome and some good anime you should check out is dragon ball z,naruto,gundum sead,etc this is cody from yearbook
Hi Mr. Lahr,
That is a pretty cool car, but i don't think i would drive around Arroyo Grande in it. Well if you are really interested in japanese or manga/manwa, you should check these ones out: Dragon Ball, Naruto, bleach and Yu YU Hakusho.
Anthony Swigert
Well I agree with shadow I also think they are goin overboard,but it is still pretty awesome.
From rosa
Hey Mr. Lahr,
Well the car with anime is different from our style and might not seem as cool to us as it does to them. I don't think it is pretty but it is their style and we have to respect that, because they may look at our things and say its not nice or they might have a different look on it. But the anime on the car is a little different and that is good. It's like a new style.
Breanna D.
Hello Mr. Lahr,
Well...umm...it's a little hard to decide. I don't know if I really like it, or just plain old hate it. I am certain that the designs are unique and pleasures the Japanese consumers very much. So, I guess I am happy with that. We would like them if those cars were in the United States because we would be more used to them.
Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician
U.M.M. is the BOMB!
I think if you tried to drive a car like that in California, people would make assumptions about you (which may or may notbe true.
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