Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Old and the New... or "How do I flush?"

One of the fascinating aspects of Japanese culture is the integration of both the old and the new.... the old traditions and the newest technology. Believe it or not, this even affects bathrooms. Let me quote from the basic handbook of the sending agency, the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund:

"While many places in Japan have Western-style toilets, don't be surprised if you encounter the 'Squat' variety. They are sanitary and sensible, although they do require some balancing. As long as you are able to keep your heels placed on the ground, you will find them fairly easy to use. Before going to Japan, you many want to practice squatting while trying to keep your heels on the ground.

On the other hand, toilets with heated seats are becoming quite common at regular homes... These seats usually have a console of various controls and buttons which, when pushed provide luxuries such as continuous flushing noise for privacy and modesty, seat heating for cold days and warm jet sprays for washing. "

Hmmm. Should be interesting. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to practice my squatting!
** In what others ways do you think I'll encounter both the old and the new? **


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Lahr,

Um, that's...different. I think it's cool how Japan combines the old and the new, but do they have to make a weird toilet? Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

How do you know which buttons on the toilet to press since you don't read Japanese? What it you pressed the wrong button? Make sure to ask for a manual in English.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,
Well...interesting, very interesting. You will be lucky to have one of those fancy toilets, instead of those old-fashioned ones. I guess your luck will determine what kind of toilet you are going to use. Either way, you are going to have a new experience, which is more important than anything else. Write about how it feels...

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

Anonymous said...

I think you might see a comination of the old and new if you see any farming. They probably have old school farming and big tractors too. Maybe you can take a bullet train through the country and see a little farming.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,
You know there is a guy named Jeff in this post. Do you know who it might be...? Could it be you?

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Lahr,
Well japan does have some different technology, like their toilets, but when i searched for more information about their technology, i found out that they have vending machines where you can get random types of food, like EGGS!!! And also about the toilet, you have to squat!!! They don't make regular toilets according to a website i visited. Over all Japan seems like a great place, and i think you will have a great time over there. It soounds very fun.

Breanna D. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,
They have wierd toilets in Japan... I don't um... think that most people feel, like, comfortable talking about... um... toilets...
Victoria C.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

Those toilets are pretty wierd. Does Japan have strange urinals also?

-Nathan S.

Anonymous said...

hello Mr.Lahr,
I dont know much about those toilid. but i do know that it just might be hard to balance.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr

That is kinda weird but cool that you don't have to do that much work like you have to in North America. Have fun squatting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr Lahr,

Its better than a ditch.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Lahr,

even though those toilets are not what we use, you should still be nice and use them because that is thier culture that they are used to. It will be fun to learn a whole new and different culture that we are not used to. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

hello Mr. Lahr,

I think you should use the shower for wahing not the toilets... ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Lahr,

Thats kind of different I never would have thought of a toilet being like that. How do you know which bottons work each thing on toilet? I never knew that toilets could be so weird.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

Those toilets are really weird. I wonder what all the buttons do.


Anonymous said...

hello Mr. Lahr,

are there stalls in their bathrooms or is it in the open??

actually i dont wanna know...but hopefully there all stalls......YIKES!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Mr Lahr,

I guess it's a cool feature the the western tiolets wash you, butu isn't that what tiolet paper is for? anyway, save it for the shower!!

-barbie girl

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,
Haha... Good luck! Have you ever used that kind of toilet? Save the washing for the shower. My friend has a kind of toilet that sprays you and it has a button for a heated toilet seat... Well, I hope you have a ton of fun!!!!!!!!!By the way, are the people really going to read this blog???cool cool!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

That is a pretty interesting toilet. Have fun in Japan.


Anonymous said...


That's a big transition between the old and the new toilets.At least you will know how to use those types of toilets,not that you will need to know how in America.

Anonymous said...

helo mr.lahr

i think you should get a translater or something so you can understand the toilets


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Lahr,

All I can think is WOW!!!!! I hope the toilet is easier than it looks. How do you sit on them? Well I hope you have a BLAST in Japan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey mr lahr

are those toilets only in community parks and stuff or are they in houses too?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

Those toilets are so weird. When you go there, tell me next year how it felt siting down on the floor while you where letting out your stuff. What about the new toilets with those buttons. I'll bet if you push the button that cleans you up, it will not feel good.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,

I think another way you'll encounter a combination of the old and the new is in art. Take pictures and put them on your blog.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Lahr,
I hope you dont fall when you use the toilet.If I where you i would bring your own toilet paper if you don't whant the machine to clean or hurt your toosh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yo ko?

Anonymous said...

hola Mr. Lahr

i hope that you don't fall over.
