Saturday, June 14, 2008

The People That Made My Dinner

I've been eating at a lot of food stands for the last couple of days. Each time I ordered I asked if I could take a photograph. This is what was served up!
The gentleman in the top photo fixed me up with a "rice tortilla" that was salty because it was dipped in Soy Sauce. It was served in a sheet of seaweed rather than a napkin. The middle cook was BBQing a couple of different types of meat. I thought one of them was chicken... it wasn't. The third food is a rice dumpling (with tentacles sticking out).
Okay, I confess, tonight I ate pasta and egg plant at an Italian restaurant. Tokyo is a cosmopolitan city where you can get just about any kind of food you that you're in the mood for.


Anonymous said...

So what WAS the lady bar-b-q-ing in the middle picture? Did you eat it?

Anonymous said...

Mystery meat- how...exotic? The rice dumplings look pretty good, though!

Jeff said...

I'm not sure what was in any of the dishes but I only photographed what I ate.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

WOW, I watched those kind of food being eaten on tv! I really want to taste them by myself. Looks delicious, I really wonder if they taste as good as they look...

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician