Sunday, July 6, 2008

Be Sure to Say Hello

I was very excited when I found out that the Santa Maria Times was interested in writing a story about my experiences in Japan. If you've read the article and you are exploring this blog, would you please add a comment and let us know of your visit? No need to use your first and last name, just scroll down to the end of this post and click on the "Comment" link. You can sign in as anonymous. I'd love to have your thoughts about my trip and this blog. I would also like to let the Japanese Fulbright Memeorial Fund know that Santa Maria is interested in their efforts!
Jeff Lahr


Anonymous said...

I read the article in the SM Times and enjoyed all of the photos. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Reading your blog entries as you traveled in Japan was also very interesting. It was fun for those of us "back home" to keep up with your day-to-day travel experiences. I'm sure that your middle school students will benefit from your trip, as well.

Wendy said...

Great article in the Santa Maria Times! The trip to Japan must have been an awesome experience for you. I'll bet that your students will enjoy hearing about your travels when school starts again in August.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

WOW! That is awesome! I wish I got to see the pictures though. You are going to have that newspaper article in your classroom right?

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

Anonymous said...

You are one lucky teacher, but judging from the article you represented our country well. I hope this trips inspires your teaching for years to come.

WAYLAND said...

Jeff, how exciting to be in the local paper. I'm too big of a wimp to contact my local paper. Ha!

Have a wonderful rest of your summer. I am looking forward to sharing my experience with my staff and the students!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am Larry's office assistant, so when he had me scan the SM Times article, I read it and really enjoyed it. What an experience! I'd love to visit Japan some day and reading about your experience only solidified that wish. It's good that schools are able to do this program and learn about other cultures.

Anonymous said...

This is my second visit to your blog. I thought your photos were outstanding and they brought back memories of my trip to Japan. Job well done!