Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Which would you choose?

There are museums for just about everything. Which of the following would you visit? Is there a special type of museum that you would be attracted to? Do you consider museums to be a waste of time?

Maybe the John Lennon Museum:

Feeling like a weighty subject? How about the sumo museum?

The Manga Museum?

Atomic bomb?

And finally, for the Ultimate Math Matician:

I know I can't take all of you with me, but how about a virtual visit to a Japanese museum? Check it!


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

Well, first for three posts in a row. Not bad! Anyway, would I consider the museums a waste of time? Yeah, right! Of all the people in the world, I would be the last to say museums are a waste of time. They are extemely fascinating with all the awesome stuff that they carry. Every museum has something unique about it and that's what makes all of them good. Museums, libraries, laboratories...etc. are all interesting places, and you visit as many of them as possible in Japan!
The site that you mentioned was fairly good. I am interested in visiting all of them if possible. I especially like the Criminology and the Sumida museums. All of them are good though. I bet a lot of them, who post after me, will definitely like the toy museum! Anyway, I would love to go to a museum that shows all the technology that Japan has. You know the history of the technology and how they came to be. Yeah, I wish I had the chance to go to some of those cool museums in Japan as well as the numerous other museums that are scattered all around the world!

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

U.M.M. is the BOMB!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

こんにちはLahr氏、 それで、最初に3つのポストのために続けて。 ない悪い状態! とにかく、私は博物館を時間の無駄と考慮するか。 ええ、正しく! 世界のすべての人々の、私は博物館が時間の無駄であることを言うべき最後である。 それらはすべての驚くばかりの原料とextemely運ぶこと魅了している。 あらゆる博物館にそれおよびthat'について独特な何かがある; すべてをよくさせる何がs。 博物館、図書館、実験室は…等すべて興味深い場所であり、日本で可能ようにそのほとんどとして訪問する! あなたが述べた場所はまずまずだった。 私はすべてを訪問することにもし可能なら興味がある。 私は特に犯罪学およびSumida博物館を好む。 すべてはしかしよい。 私は多くの私の後で掲示するそれら完全に好むおもちゃ博物館を賭けた! とにかく、私は日本は持っていることをすべての技術に示す博物館に行きたいと思う。 それらがいかにあることを来たか技術の歴史を知り。 ええ、私は私が多数と同様、日本のそれらの涼しい博物館のいくつかに行くチャンスを世界中で完全に分散する他の博物館有したことを望む! あなたの叙事詩学生、 Akash Salam 最終的な数学Matician U.M.M. 爆弾はある!

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

U.M.M. is the BOMB!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Lahr,

Finally, a new post! I think museums aren't a waste of time...unless they're all about something pointless like cavemen or something. I think the most interesting musuem out of the link you have would have to the criminology museum. I read it has guillotines and old torture techniques!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Lahr,
Well, I think visting a museum would be fun and exciting to learn about the culture a little more. I would choose to go to The Magna Museum, its seems very interesting. And some of the sites for the museums don't come up restricted. Just letting you know.

Breanna D.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Lahr:
I think it's a really good idea to go to a museum. You could learn a lot about Japan and their history. I would choose to go to the Japanese American National Museum. It seems to have a lot of info , and it looks really intersting.
From, Lindsay Peart

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,
You should go to ALL the museums enjoy everything about Japan. Don't hold back on what you can learn and do. Take a lot of pictures so you can show your students and they can actualy see what you experianced. Just have fun with your trip because it's once in a life time chance.


Anonymous said...

I dont think museums are a waste of time because they show you many things from the past.
-Rosa Lina

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lahr,
I think that Japanese museums are one of the best places to spend time at. You will get to learn about Japanese culture and art and as an art teacher, you'll be able to compare it to American art. I think that I especially like the laughing Buddha sculptures because the Buddha seems like such an easy-going guy!

-Nathan S.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Lahr,

The manga museum sounds as interesting as the criminology museum. A place full of manga sounds just as good as a place full of old toture techniques!


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Lahr,

Hmmm...looking at the new site that you have posted, I am extremely interested in the Atomic Bomb museum. Not that I have anything to do with bombs, but it would be fun to learn about those bombs and how they came to be. I looked at the other ones too, and found all of them fairly interesting and worth visiting any day!

Your EPIC Student,
Akash Salam
Ultimate Math Matician

U.M.M. is the BOMB!

DetectiveBrown said...

Mr. Lahr,

Musiams are not a waist of time at all! Museums are a great way to learn how people lived in certain places at a certain period in time. I would defiantly visit the sumo museum or the atomic bomb museum first!